Dear Friends, Happy new year.... Hope this new year will get all success for every one of you... :), i wish all of you plan your tax well get more income along with success in all your dreams.
The goal of tax planning is to arrange your financial affairs so as to minimize your taxes. There are three basic ways to reduce your taxes, and each basic method might have several variations. You can reduce your income, increase your deductions, and take advantage of tax credits.
Reducing Income ( Reduce Taxable table income) : Depend on your AGI (or modifications to your AGI)-- such as your tax rate and various tax credits. AGI even impacts your financial life outside of taxes: banks, mortgage lenders, and college financial aid programs all routinely ask for your adjusted gross income. This is a key measure of your finances. Because your adjusted gross income is so important, you may want to begin your tax planning here.
What goes into your adjusted gross income? AGI is your income from all sources minus any adjustments to your income. The higher your total income, the higher your adjusted gross income. As you can guess, the more money you make, the more taxes you will pay. Conversely, the less money you make, the less taxes you will pay. The number one way to reduce taxes is to reduce your income. And the best way to reduce your income is to contribute money to a saving under section 80C or similar retirement plan at work. Your contribution reduces your wages, and lowers your tax bill.
As you can see, two of the best ways to reduce your taxes is to save for retirement or life insurance or other type of savings, either through section 80C at work or through a traditional PF/EPF/PPF plan. Contributions to these retirement plans will lower your taxable income, and lower your taxes. Same with your the amount your contribute towards investment or for your life insurance.
Increase Your Tax Deductions :
Taxable income is another key element in your overall tax situation. Taxable income is what's left over after you have reduced your AGI by your deductions and exemptions. Almost everyone can take a standard deduction, and some people are able to itemize their deductions.
Itemized deductions include expenses for health care( Medical bills) you can save tax on max 15000/- INR , mortgage interest, job-related expenses (Like phone bills, broad band bills and some travel bills), House rent Allowances, LTA (leave travel allowances), tax preparation fees, and investment-related expenses. One key tax planning strategy is to keep track of your itemized expenses throughout the year using a spreadsheet or personal finance program. You can then quickly compare your itemized expenses with your standard deduction. You should always take the higher of your standard deduction or your itemized deduction.
Your standard deduction and personal exemptions depends on your filing status.
The best strategies for reducing your taxable income is to itemize your deductions, and the three biggest deductions are mortgage interest, LTA, HRA (House Rent Allowance).
Take Advantage of Tax Credits: Once we've tweaked our taxable income, we are ready to focus our attention on various tax credits ( also called as tax savings options). Tax credits reduce your tax. There are tax credits for college expenses, for saving for retirement, premium payed to wards your life insurance premium and premium payed towards Health insurance and amount paid towards investments in Equity oriented funds and Savings like NSC Bonds, Postal Savings schemes, and Bank Fixed deposits ( min 5 years duration deposits). Some income tax sections under which we can save the tax.
Section 80C : Deduction in respect of Life Insurance Premium, Contribution to PF/EPF/PPF, NSC Bonds, Fixed Deposits etc click here to know more.
Section 80E : Deduction in Respect of repayment of loan taken for higher education.
Section 10(10D) : Any sum received under a life insurance policy, including the sum allocated by way of bonus on such policy. For more details click here.
Section 80G : Deduction in respect of donations to Cretan fund, charitable institutions. For more details please click here.
Section 10(33) : Dividends from mutual funds are fully exempt from income tax under Section 10(33). Equity funds (schemes that invest 50 per cent or more of their funds in equity) are also exempt from dividend tax. This means that unlike companies, they do not have to pay tax at the rate of 10.2 per cent on the dividend that they distribute.
INSERT (AY 2008-09) Coir Board included in Section 10(29A) and exempted from income tax.
These are some sections under which and individual salaried person can get tax benefit. there are may more other options to save the tax of self employed and business owners including these. for more details please visit income tax department of India web site.
Under Section 80C : A person can save tax on the amount upto one lakh. By showing 1lakh savings to the department of income tax. The amounts paying towards Life Insurance Premium, Amount towards Retirement or pension schemes and so many other schemes will come under this. For more details about Section 80C please click here.
Other than these you can clime the tax savings on your interest payed to wards your home loan upto 1.5lakh, Initial stages the amount paying towards contains majority part of the interest so you can clime that amount also for tax savings, but only the problem with this is once you own a house you HR may not come under tax benefit option.
Every one of us know about the price of food items and every necessities are increasing very fast even government is trying to control them but its not getting success, simple example for this is check the rice price in last 30 years, it never come down.
So government of India want every one of us save enough money for tomorrow, so they introduce this new section to save money and secure our family. with one of evil called inflation this is only my view way government introduced this section. You can save 1lakh rupees in different ways to get the tax benefits on that. Following are the some products which are used to save tax under section.
Section 80L used to allow deduction of interest earned on, say, a National Savings Certificate or a bank deposit up to a limit of Rs 12,000. But now all these are gone .In their place has come Section 80C -- "u/s 80CCC, & u/s 80CCD", as the Finance Bill puts it. Thus, the new Section 80C of the Income Tax Act proposed in Union Budget gives you a bigger tax break than what the current regime offers.
Deduction in respect of Life Insurance Premium, Contribution to Provident Fund, etc.
Rs 1 lakh can be invested under this section without any individual sub-limits except in the case of Rs 10,000 in pension funds.
Sections 88, 80L, 80CCC and 80CCD is clubbed in.
INSERT (AY 2007-08) It is proposed to insert clause (xxi) in sub-section (2) of this section in order to provide that the investment in a term deposit for a fixed period of not less than five years with any scheduled bank shall be eligible for a deduction under this section.
Fore more details about section 80C please click hear
Fixed Deposits
Life Insurance (Term, Endowment, Unit Linked Plans)
There are some other products which can offer this benefits but these are the well know and good products. All these products are with risk level from medium to high, every type of saving will have there own risk level.
88 (Rebate on Life Insurance Premia, Contribution to Provident Fund, etc.)
80L (Deductions in respect to Interest on certain Securities, Dividends, etc.)
Note : Rebate of Rs 5,000 for women and Rs 20,000 for senior citizens have been wiped off.
So as per your individual needs you can select the products, if you are not sure about which product will best for you, first write all your needs and requirements to contact a better financial adviser who can help you with his unbiased discussion. I feel no one else can understand your financial need better than you.
Dear Readers, Hear are few points regarding National Savings Certificates (NSC) which you can use for your TAX PLANNING.
* Scheme specially designed for Government employees, Businessmen and other salaried classes who are IT assesses.
* No maximum limit for investment.
* No tax deduction at source. (Interest on NSC is taxable)
* Certificates can be kept as collateral security to get loan from banks.
* Investment up to Rs. 1,00,000/- per annum qualifies for IT Rebate under section 80C of IT Act.
* Trust and HUF cannot invest.
* PPF – A good way of saving for your old age.
* Buy National Savings Certificates (NSC) & Kisan Vikas Patras (KVP) every month for six years – Reinvest on maturity and relax - On retirement it will fetch you monthly pension as the NSC/KVP matures.
There are so many confusion about the calculation of tax in this new financial year, please find the details below which will help you in calculation of your tax.
Let us take a case where the assessee's income is Rs. 5,10,000. (For men)
Case 1: Men
* According to the Income Tax Slab, the first 1,50,000 is not taxable. * The next Rs. 1,50,000 is taxable @10%. * 10% of Rs. 1,50,000 is Rs. 15,000. * The next Rs. 2,00,000 is taxable @20%. * 20% of Rs. 2,00,000 is Rs. 40,000. * Rest of the amount is taxable @30%. * The remaining Rs. 10,000 i.e. 5,10,000 - (1,50,000+1,50,000+2,00,000) is taxable @30%. * 30% of Rs. 10,000 is Rs. 3,000. * Therefore, the net Income Tax Payable is Rs. 15,000 + Rs. 40,000 + Rs.3000 i.e. Rs. 58,000.
section 80C you can save tax on 1 lakh more, if you comes under 30% tax slab you can save 33,300 by saving or investing 1lakh.
Case 2: Women
* According to the Income Tax Slab, the first 1,80,000 is not taxable. * The next Rs. 1,20,000 is taxable @10%. * 10% of Rs. 1,20,000 is Rs. 12,000. * The next Rs. 2,00,000 is taxable @20%. * 20% of Rs. 2,00,000 is Rs. 40,000. * Rest of the amount is taxable @30%. * The remaining Rs. 10,000 i.e. 5,10,000 - (1,80,000+1,20,000+2,00,00) is taxable @30%. * 30% of Rs. 10,000 is Rs. 3,000. * Therefore, the net Income Tax Payable is Rs. 12,000 + Rs. 40,000 + Rs. 3000 i.e. Rs. 55,000.
section 80C you can save tax on 1 lakh more, if you comes under 30% tax slab you can save 33,300 by saving or investing 1lakh.
Case 3: Senior citizen
* According to the Income Tax Slab, the first 2,25,000 is not taxable. * The next Rs. 75,000 is taxable @10% * 10% of Rs. 75,000 is Rs. 7,500 * The next Rs. 2,00,000 is taxable @20%. * 20% of Rs. 2,00,000 is Rs. 40,000. * Rest of the amount is taxable @30%. * The next Rs. 10,000 i.e. 3,90,000 - (2,25,000+75,000+2,00,000) is taxable @30% * 30% of Rs. 10,000 is Rs. 3,000. * Therefore, the net Income Tax Payable is Rs. 7,500 + Rs. 40,000 + Rs. 3,000 i.e. Rs. 50,500
(If the assess claims any rebate/ exemption, the claimed amount will be deducted from his income with reference to the law of Income Tax Act before calculating the tax.)
section 80C you can save tax on 1 lakh more, if you comes under 30% tax slab you can save 33,300 by saving or investing 1lakh.
* Surcharge @ 10% applicable if total income exceeds Rs. 8.5 lakh for A.Y. 2005-06 and Rs. 10 lakh for A.Y. 2006-07. * There is a new section 80C according to which a person can get rebate upto Rs. 1,00,000 against insurance premium, PF contributions and other such schemes. * In case of higher education there is a deduction in tax for a maximum period of 8 years. * Marginal relief would be provided to ensure that the additional income tax payable including surcharge, on the excess of income over Rs. 10,00,000 (Rs. 8.5 lakh for A.Y. 2005-06) is limited to the amount by which the income is more than Rs. 10 lakh (Rs. 8.5 lakh for A.Y. 2005-06). * Education cess @ 2% on tax plus surcharge.
“Early Bird catches the worm” may sound very clichéd. The truth is that the earlier you do your tax planning the more it will benefit you. Though the financial year has just going to started and you are still in the midst of filing your returns for last year in coming financial planning, you must keep your ears to the ground for great tax planning opportunities that come along.
Why plan early
There are several merits to having your tax planning in place early. Here are some benefits:
Early tax planning helps you take advantage of the opportunities available throughout the year. For instance, now that the markets are at a low it would make sense to purchase units in any ULIP or ELSS fund since the price of the units will be lesser now.
Early planning helps you assess your tax burden in the year and one can pay advance tax accordingly.
Tax planning at a later stage can put a severe strain on the pocket since a largish amount has to be invested in one go.
Hidden tax planning you do throughout the year
You may not realize it but you are already doing your tax planning throughout the year. Though you may not be investing in tax-saving instruments, there are several expenses that are deductible and often go unnoticed in our calculations for tax planning. Here are some common expenses that can be used as tax-planning tools:
# Being charitable helps you too. Money donated to tax-approved charitable institutions is deductible to the extent of 50%, subject to conditions. Deduction of 100% is available in the case of payment to certain specified funds like Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund.
# Repayments of your home loan EMIs give you tax relief. As per the provisions contained in Section 24 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, a deduction equal to Rs 1,50,000 is permissible for every individual in respect of interest on loan for residential self-occupied house property. This interest on loan is allowed as a deduction irrespective of the person from whom you take the loan. Hence, even if you have taken a loan not from a banker but from a relative or your spouse, the interest payable on the loan would be eligible for tax rebate. The maximum amount of deduction as per Section 24 in respect of interest on loan for residential house property is Rs 1,50,000 per year.
# Parents can claim a deduction for tuition fees for a maximum of two children within the overall limit of Rs 1 lakh.
# Compulsory payments you may be making if you are salaried. They may be deduction towards PPF or EPF, payments in a pension plan and insurance those are directly paid from your salary. These payments can be used in your tax-saving calculations too.
The best tax saving instruments
After taking into account these hidden gems, if you have any deduction amount left then there is a vast choice of investments that the finance minister has laid down for you. Here is how to make the choice.
If you are below 30
Your tax investment should revolve round ULIP or ELSS mainly. It can be as high as 50%. Some part of it should be allocated to term insurance(which covers more insurance) and health insurance. You can also invest a part in retirement plans for retirement planning.
If you are between 30-45
Your insurance cover should increase with your responsibilities at least 25% of your tax-saving money should go to insurance. So, a higher amount needs to be allocated to life as well as health insurance. You need to maintain or increase your retirement planning with retirement planning. Simultaneously your exposure to mutual funds should not be more than 35%.
If you are between 45-60
If you fall in this age group then your focus should be in retirement products and Annuity. 50% of the amount can go towards this. Your ELSS must be at its lowest and you must maintain your life and health insurance cover.
If you are retired
Choose safe products that can be easily accessed. Fixed deposits fit the bill perfectly. You are likely to move to a lower tax bracket now so you can invest with greater ease.
Do remember that you have a long time ahead waiting for you upto 31st March, 2009 to make your investment in tax-saving instruments but surely it makes better sense to invest now, relax and save tax right now. You can also opt for making the investment not at one go but in installments.
If you have some small money available right now you may better invest now the money in tax saving instrument and as and when you have balance money available at your disposal then make investment at a later date but surely before 31st March, 2009.
For most individuals tax is a four-letter word. How many individuals willingly part with their hard-earned money for taxes? Not many! Mention paying taxes and all those age-old arguments about - "what do we get that we should pay taxes?" surface. While that is a topic which can be debated for eons, few would dispute the utility that tax-planning can offer.
What is tax-planning? Tax-planning amounts to making investments or contributions in line with prescribed guidelines that lead to reduction in tax liability. Simply put, the tax liability is computed as a percentage of the income. As per prevailing tax laws, certain investments and contributions have been earmarked for claiming tax benefits. When these investments and/or contributions are made, the same are reduced from the income while computing the tax liability. As a result, the tax liability is reduced. No marks for guessing that lower taxes are a welcome break.
Section 80C
Now that we have discussed what tax-planning is, the next step is to discuss how the same should be conducted. Before that, an introduction to Section 80C is necessary. While there are a number of sections in the Income Tax Act that offer opportunities for tax-planning, the most popular and pervasive one is Section 80C. You can claim deductions under Section 80C for a variety of investments - for example investments in tax-saving funds (ELSS), Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Savings Certificate (NSC), infrastructure bonds and tax-saving fixed deposits. Similarly, contributions towards provident fund, life insurance premium, repayment of the principal amount on a home loan, payment of tuition fees are also eligible for Section 80C deductions.
How tax-planning can lead to wealth creation
The Section 80C limit has been set at Rs 100,000 in a financial year. This means you can invest upto Rs 100,000 every year in the stipulated investment avenues or utilise the sum for paying life insurance premium, repaying a home loan and claim tax benefits. Now the same has a two-pronged effect. First, you save tax at present, and second, by investing the monies, you are creating an asset/income for the future. For example, investments in tax-saving funds, PPF and NSC will yield returns in the future. Life insurance premium repayment will mean that your dependents will be provided for in your absence. Finally, home loan repayment will lead to creation of an asset (a housing property).
Let's not forget that we are talking about investing Rs 100,000 (which is a significant sum) every year. Simple maths tell us that Rs 100,000 invested every year at 8.0% per annum (pa) over a 15-Yr period will amount to a substantial Rs 2,715,200.
How to create wealth Now that we have discussed tax-planning, its benefits and how it can help create wealth, let's come to the interesting part - how to create wealth. We discuss some of the major investment avenues that offer Section 80C benefits and should form a part of your tax-planning portfolio.
1. Unit linked insurance plans Unit linked insurance plans (ULIPs) are the most "happening" offerings from the life insurance segment. Simply put, ULIPs are market-linked avenues that combine insurance and investment. Premiums paid on ULIPs are eligible for deduction under Section 80C. ULIPs have been dealt with in detail in another article in this guide.
2. Public Provident Fund Public Provident Fund (PPF) is an assured return scheme (i.e. it offers guaranteed returns) that runs over a 15-Yr period. The scheme requires recurring investments i.e. annual investments are necessary to keep the PPF account active. The minimum and maximum investment amounts are Rs 500 and Rs 70,000 respectively pa. Investments in PPF are eligible for Section 80C deductions. Also the interest income from PPF is tax-free.
At present investments in PPF offer a return of 8.0% pa, compounded annually. However, this rate is subject to revision; hence, investments in PPF may yield a higher or lower return going forward, depending on how rates are revised. You can make smaller contributions to the PPF account. The same will help you build a risk-free corpus for the future.
3. National Savings Certificate National Savings Certificate (NSC) is another assured return scheme. However unlike PPF, it isn't recurring in nature. Hence, an investor is required to make a lumpsum investment that matures after 6 years. The minimum investment amount is Rs 100, while there is no upper limit for investing in NSC. Interest income from NSC is paid on maturity; the same is also taxable. Interest accrued on NSC is considered to be reinvested; hence, it is eligible for reinvestment under Section 80C.
Investments in NSC offer a return of 8.0% pa, compounded half-yearly. This rate is locked-in at the time of making the investment. Hence investment is insulated from any subsequent rate change. You can make investments in NSC for a 6-Yr period to gainfully invest one-time surpluses and to provide for needs that will arise over a corresponding time frame.
4. Tax-saving fixed deposits You must be aware of fixed deposits offered by banks. Tax-saving fixed deposits aren't very different. These are fixed deposits, wherein investments upto Rs 100,000 are eligible for deduction under Section 80C. Generally, Rs 100 is the minimum investment amount. Tax-saving fixed deposits have a 5-Yr investment tenure and no premature withdrawals are permitted.
At present, most banks offer a rate of return in the range of 8.0%-8.5% pa. A higher rate of return (additional 0.5%) is offered on investments made by senior citizens. Also the interest income from tax-saving fixed deposits is chargeable to tax and subject to TDS (tax deduction at source). Tax-saving fixed deposits can be utilised like NSC, to meet future needs that will arise over a predictable period.
5. Tax-saving mutual funds Tax-saving mutual funds (also called equity linked savings schemes - ELSS) are equity funds that offer tax benefits under Section 80C. Essentially, like equity funds, these funds also invest their corpus in equities. However, the differentiating factor is the 3-Yr lock-in and the tax benefits. While in a regular equity fund, the investor is free to sell his investment whenever he wishes to, in a tax-saving fund, the investor must stay invested at least for a 3-Yr period. Also, investments in a regular equity fund aren't eligible for any tax benefits, but investments in tax-saving funds are eligible for Section 80C tax benefits. For a young investor like you who has time on his side, tax-saving funds should be the preferred tax-planning destination. They will aptly match your risk appetite.
In conclusion, remember that tax-planning is not just another dreary chore that has to be conducted annually. On the contrary, it's an opportunity for wealth creation. Give the tax-planning exercise its fair attention and time.
For Right Tax planning Contact. Sriram, Phone Number: 09986128592 Email id:
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